Becoming a global citizen: Belief vs. action
intercultural competencies, international knowledge, transformative learningAbstract
Postsecondary institutional mission statements include goals of preparing students to become global citizens. Transformative learning theory is central to global citizenship education (GCE). Many postsecondary institutions provide GCE initiatives through the global competencies approach, which includes self-awareness in intercultural encounters, communications, and general knowledge about world issues. The purpose of this study was to explore perceptions of global citizenship and general knowledge of international food and agriculture issues. A cross-sectional design and random samples of university members provided data. Differences in perceptions of global civic engagement were found; faculty members were significantly more globally engaged. Graduate students had significantly more awareness of being global citizens. Respondents were unknowledgeable about international food and agriculture. Transformative learning and GCE may be incorporated into postsecondary education by using disorienting dilemmas to promote critical self-examination of worldviews. To enliven university missions of preparing global citizens, we must encourage meaningful actions from local to global levels.
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