Post-Acceptance Guidelines

Please make the following changes when preparing your manuscript for final submission after acceptance and before we begin copyediting:

1. Address all suggestions made by the editor. Use track changes to show the edits.

2. If any text/names were blinded (e.g. [university] ), please insert the appropriate name.

3. Add an Acknowledgments section before references. This should include:

a. Funding information (if applicable), including grant number.

b. Indicate if any portion of this article was previously included in a thesis, dissertation, conference paper, and/or abstract. Provide a citation or link if applicable. 

c. Unless already described in your methods, please indicate how any artificial intelligence tools were used, including the tool used and the version of the tool.  

d. Author contribution statement. Please consult the Author Contributions page for additional information (

4. After the reference list on the last page of the manuscript, please enter the following information for each author: (Name, Title, University, mailing address, email, ORCID).

Example: John Smith, Professor, AAD University, 123 Agriculture Drive, Gainesville, FL 11111, johnsmith@aad.edu

5. In your reference list, please verify that your doi links and other links are accurate.