Enhancing agricultural education through virtual reality: Facilitation, application, reflection, and measurement in the classroom





Virtual Reality Integration, Agricultural Literacy Enhancement, VRFARM model


This agricultural development methods paper presents the Virtual Reality Facilitation, Application, Reflection, and Measurement (VRFARM) framework, an approach for integrating and evaluating Virtual Reality (VR) in agricultural education to enhance agricultural literacy. The VRFARM framework is adapted from Biggs’ three key components— – presage, process, and product. It draws upon the principles of student and teacher characteristics, teaching environments, instructional methods, and reflective and measurement-based evaluations. The framework proposes a mixed-methods approach for evaluation, examining qualitative and quantitative data from teachers and students engaged with VR in the classroom. VR, when appropriately integrated using the VRFARM framework, is designed to improve students' agricultural literacy, engagement, and awareness. Major recommendations include using the VRFARM framework to implement and evaluate professional development programs for educators on VR use and agricultural literacy, along with fostering further research exploring the long-term impacts, diversity of educational settings and geographical locations, and inclusivity of VR in agricultural classrooms. This study establishes the VRFARM framework as a practical and research-based framework for educators, evaluators, and researchers, marking a significant step towards more innovative and effective VR agricultural education.


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How to Cite

Greig, J. A., Colclasure, B., Rampold, S., Ruth, T., & Granberry, T. (2024). Enhancing agricultural education through virtual reality: Facilitation, application, reflection, and measurement in the classroom. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 5(2), 64–80. https://doi.org/10.37433/aad.v5i2.353

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