Identifying school-based agricultural education teacher needs and support gaps




The Conceptual Model of Support for School-Based Agricultural Education Teachers, purposeful professional development, human lens


The school-based agricultural education (SBAE) teacher attrition crisis dates back to the passing of the Smith-Hughes Act in 1917. For the past three decades, researchers have studied this phenomenon to better understand the needs of SBAE teachers in order to increase retention as well as improve work-life balance. While several needs are recurring, current efforts are not resulting in actionable change for SBAE teachers. To gain perspectives on the problem, an expert panel of SBAE supporters were invited to participate in a Delphi in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, focused on the perceived needs of SBAE teachers. The Conceptual Model of Support for SBAE Teachers was introduced as a potential lens to meet the human needs of SBAE teachers. The Delphi resulted in 42 items being identified as areas of need for 21st century SBAE teachers. All align with the historical needs of SBAE teachers and demonstrate gaps in support in the areas of wellness, resources, work-life balance, relationships, and the need for purposeful professional development. Further research is recommended to evaluate the identified needs.


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How to Cite

Marsh, K. N., Eck, C. J., Layfield, K. D., & Donaldson, J. L. (2023). Identifying school-based agricultural education teacher needs and support gaps. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 4(3), 117–130.


