Exploring the impacts of an agriculture-focused global experience three to seven years after the program
Puerto Rico, study abroad, SDG 4: Quality EducationAbstract
This qualitative illustrative case study sought to explore the impacts of an agriculture-focused global education program on college student participants three to seven years after their experience. Human capital theory was utilized as a theoretical lens and outcomes of global programs model (i.e., participant development, intercultural development, intellectual development, and professional development) as an operationalized conceptual framework. A single focus group interview followed by semi-structured one-on-one interviews with each of the participants were conducted and transcripts were analyzed for thematic content. Findings elucidated five emergent themes: Social – Traditional; Hospitality – Community; Resourcefulness – Perseverance; Resources - Career Impact, and Values - Community or Personal Impact. The findings suggest that agriculture-focused global experiences have much less to do with career choice than with career enrichment for college students. This agriculture-focused global experience left participants with lasting values that they have tried to apply within their own careers and personal lives. This study has added to the literature base by showing the mid-range impacts of an agriculture-focused global experience program where a dearth of literature existed previously. To add to our findings and provide more transferability, similar and more nuanced research should be conducted with other agriculture-focused global programs.
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