Preservice agriculture teachers’ perceived self-efficacy of specific SAE competencies




Supervised Agricultural Experience, Agricultural Education, social cognitive theory, experiential learning


With the implementation of the supervised agricultural experience (SAE) within school-based agricultural education (SBAE), hands-on learning has changed how students learn in the classroom. SAE programs, a key component of agricultural education, are an example of experiential learning within the SBAE model. The implementation of SAE experiences has been often viewed as difficult for many teachers, and many new agricultural educators struggle with implementing SAE into their classroom instruction. Therefore, this study sought to determine the self-efficacy of preservice agriculture teachers towards the American Association for Agricultural Education-Supervised Agricultural Experience (AAAE) SAE competencies. Results indicated that a majority of preservice teachers considered SAE an important aspect of the SBAE model. However, results indicated that few competencies showed significant differences between pre- and post-completion of the agricultural program, and gender differences did not indicate much significance in self-efficacy. Data indicates that teacher preparation programs have been successful in preparing students to develop, implement, and supervise SAE programs during student teaching. The researchers recommend that further research should examine additional agricultural teacher preparation programs and determine the self-efficacy of cooperating teachers in the classroom.


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How to Cite

Rubenstein, E., & Scott, J. (2021). Preservice agriculture teachers’ perceived self-efficacy of specific SAE competencies. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 2(3), 50–60.




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