Diffusion of innovation, internet access, and adoption barriers for precision livestock farming among beef producers
rural connectivity, beef producers' perceptions, technology trialability, adoption complexity, policy recommendationsAbstract
This study examined the relationship between internet access type and perceptions of Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) Technologies among beef producers in a specific state. Using data collected from an internet-based survey of beef producers (n = 137), this study conducted an exploratory factor analysis to construct variables corresponding to Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) attributes that influence innovation adoption. Findings indicate producers with cable, cellular, and broadband internet access had more favorable perceptions of PLF technologies in terms of barriers to adoption, while those with no internet access or satellite connections reported higher perceived complexity with the use of PLF technologies. Trialability and observability varied across internet types, suggesting hands-on experience and practical demonstrations might be more impactful for certain groups. Beef producers with satellite internet connections were more likely to perceive the need to trial PLF technologies before adoption. This study highlights the importance of internet access in rural areas and its potential impact on the adoption of PLF technologies, offering valuable insights for industry stakeholders and policymakers to promote the adoption of PLF technologies.
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