Exploring the preferred learning style of preservice teachers and how this influences their philosophy of teaching





teaching philosophies, agricultural education, Kolb LSI, mixed methods


The purpose of this mixed methods study was to address how preservice teachers’ preferred learning style influences their philosophy of teaching agricultural education. A convergent parallel mixed methods design was used in which quantitative and qualitative data were collected simultaneously, analyzed separately, and then merged for combined analysis. In this study, we identified 17 preservice teachers’ learning style and then assessed how their learning style influenced their philosophy statement. We found 59% of the teaching philosophy statements were similar to the preservice teachers’ learning style, 18% were different, and 23% were deemed inconclusive. It appears the preferred learning style of preservice teachers does carry through into their teaching philosophy. The percentage of inconclusive statements show that teachers will incorporate multiple learning styles to meet the diverse learning needs of their students. When the various learning styles of a class are met, it is suggested that the learning experience will be more effective and beneficial for the learners. Based on the findings of this study, we recommend implementing professional development sessions to help teachers blend their preferred learning style with the needs of their learners. Additionally, further research is needed to compare teachers’ actual practice with their teaching philosophies.  


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How to Cite

Young, H., Coleman, B., Jagger, C., Sweet Moore, P., & Bunch, J. C. . (2021). Exploring the preferred learning style of preservice teachers and how this influences their philosophy of teaching. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 2(2), 97–109. https://doi.org/10.37433/aad.v2i2.131




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