Entering the agricultural education professorate: Hiring authorities’ perceptions of tenure-track faculty needs
early-career faculty competencies, Delphi, developing scholars, SDG 4: Quality EducationAbstract
The purpose of this Delphi study was to identify the competencies needed by first-year, tenure-track faculty in the profession of agricultural education and its related specializations (i.e., teacher education, Extension education, leadership development, and agricultural communication) as perceived by hiring authorities. The expert panel was composed of 31 individuals across 25 states who were hiring authorities of agricultural education faculty. At the completion of the third round, there were a total of 52 competencies that reached consensus with the panel. The competencies were situated into three thematic categories: (a) professional skills, (b) technical skills, and (c) personal attributes. A visual framework, including the competencies, categories, and subcategories is presented. We recommend that this framework be used by graduate programs of agricultural education and related specializations as a potential framework for evaluating their programming. The time is ripe for a profession-wide conversation around the development and preparation of future faculty, and how to establish a community of scholars. Future research should be conducted to examine the best practices, such as mentorship and collaboration, to sustain and support faculty over their career and how such practices may be effectively implemented across the agricultural education professorate.
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