Predicting teachers’ intent to use inquiry-based learning in the classroom after a professional development




Theory of Planned Behavior, Science Literacy, Science Proficiency


In the United States, there is an increasing need for high school students to enhance their science proficiency. Inquiry-based learning (IBL) can serve as a teaching strategy to increase students’ science proficiency levels, but it is critical that teachers are equipped with the knowledge needed to teach IBL. In this study, we aimed to describe the impact that a professional development (PD) about integrating IBL into curricula has on science and agriscience teachers’ intent to use IBL. The theory of planned behavior, as well as confidence, guided this evaluation. A paper survey was distributed to the PD participants after the in-person part of a prolonged PD. Survey questions were related to respondents’ confidence, attitude, perceived behavioral control, subjective norms, and intent in using the IBL animal science concepts. Findings from this study indicate that teachers developed an increased confidence, possessed positive attitudes, were influenced by subjective norms, and felt that barriers could be controlled. However, attitude was the only significant predictor of intent to integrate the IBL animal science concepts. We recommend pursuing a follow-up with the teachers after implementation of the IBL lessons to gain a better understanding of the practicality of IBL in the classroom.  


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How to Cite

Harmon, K., Ruth, T., Reiling, B., Conner, N. W., & Stripling, C. T. (2023). Predicting teachers’ intent to use inquiry-based learning in the classroom after a professional development. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 4(3), 90–102.




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