Examining inquiry-based learning stages of concern for high school agriscience teachers





inquiry-based learning, stages of concern, agriscience educators


There is documented need for improvement of science comprehension amongst high school students in the United States, and inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a recommended teaching strategy to improve science comprehension.  Several researchers have focused on examination of learning outcomes for students, but few have researched the concerns of teachers who may wish to adopt IBL methodology.  This study used the stages of concern questionnaire to profile ten Midwest high school agriscience teachers’ concerns regarding implementation of IBL, before and after participation in a year-long professional development program where IBL lessons were developed and used in the participants’ high school classrooms. Results indicated that while some participants showed a positive progression in their stage of concern, most professional development program participants did not progress in their concern stage, and some developed increased resistance to IBL as a teaching strategy. This suggests that teachers may need more robust and tailored support when adopting IBL for their classrooms. 


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How to Cite

Conner, N., Reiling, B., Stripling, C. T., Kreifels, M., & Monheim, A. (2021). Examining inquiry-based learning stages of concern for high school agriscience teachers. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 2(1), 14–25. https://doi.org/10.37433/aad.v2i1.75




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