Exploring the adoption of a cooperating teacher preparation program in agricultural education
student teaching, internship, mentorship, retention, SDG 4: Quality EducationAbstract
This study presents a program review of a Cooperating Teacher Preparation and Support Program intervention within school-based agricultural education teacher preparation programs, employing Diffusion of Innovations and the Concerns-Based Adoption Model to explore the adoption behaviors of agricultural education teacher preparation university program coordinators. The study reveals the crucial role of formalized preparation and ongoing support for cooperating teachers in fostering successful mentorship experiences during student teaching internships. Drawing from the insights of program coordinators, the findings highlighted the program’s compatibility with existing structures, addressing gaps in cooperating teacher training. The Diffusion of Innovations characteristics—relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, observability, and trialability—are pivotal in shaping coordinators’ perceptions and decisions. Concerns-Based Adoption Model stages of concern, ranging from informational to refocusing, illuminate the evolution of coordinators’ concerns during the adoption process. The study contributes essential insights into the complexities of implementing mentorship programs, emphasizing the need for ongoing support, collaboration, and adaptation. Recommendations advocate for integrating structured mentorship programs in teacher preparation, collaboration among universities, and a culture of continuous evaluation.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Heather R. Nesbitt, Debra M. Barry, J. C. Bunch, Paul F. Monaghan, Huan Chen
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