A reenvisioned agricultural system in Thailand: The growth in human capital experienced by agriculturalists after adoption of the sufficiency economic philosophy





agricultural development, human capital, sustainability, Thailand


Investments in human capital have been shown to positively influence the development of the agricultural industry in regions across the globe. After the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, therefore, Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej (The King) adopted the Sufficiency Economic Philosophy (SEP) that empowered the country through critical investments in human capital, which led to a transformation of its agricultural system. In this case study, we examined Thai agricultural leaders’ reflections on the role of SEP in catalyzing such changes. Findings from this investigation emerged in the form of two investments that Thailand made in human capital through the SEP: (1) education, and (2) the establishment of the Royal Projects. Three outcomes also emerged that represent how growth was experienced in the nation’s agricultural system as a result of such investments: (1) individual development, (2) economic development, and (3) societal development. As a result, this investigation’s findings could help extension professionals diffuse agricultural innovations in ways that align better with the unique values of Thailand while also helping to improve the production of agricultural commodities.


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How to Cite

Agard, A. C. ., & Roberts, R. (2020). A reenvisioned agricultural system in Thailand: The growth in human capital experienced by agriculturalists after adoption of the sufficiency economic philosophy. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 1(3), 14–26. https://doi.org/10.37433/aad.v1i3.67


