Evaluating impacts from natural weather-related disasters on farmers mental health worldwide
climate change, extension systems, rural communities, food security, resiliencyAbstract
This study sought to assess the mental health impacts on farmers from across the globe post-natural weather-related disasters. There were two objectives that guided the study: (a) determine themes among the literature discussing post-disaster impacts on farmers’ mental health, (b) identify personal characteristics that influence farmers’ mental health post-disaster. A systematic review revealed 29 (N = 29) publications relevant to the research objectives. Through conducting an extensive systematic review six themes were identified: suicide, preparedness, culture, adaption, sentiment, and financial hardship. There were two personal characteristics presented in the literature: gender and age. It was indicated that farmers' perceptions of climate change affected their response to lessen emotional and physical impacts. The severity of the natural disaster played a role in the action farmers took to restore and prepare damages not only for the land but also regarding their mental health. Implications of this study uncovered an opportunity for extension personnel to create educational resources to combat mental health impacts from natural disasters. Recommendations include further research be conducted to investigate the effect of new or existing mental health resources on a sample of farmers from across the globe.
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National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Texas AgriLife Research
Grant numbers TEX09890