Who do you know? Zoonotic disease communication networks of livestock producers, veterinarians, human health professionals, and emergency managers





network map, zoonoses, in-depth interviews, qualitative network analysis


Zoonotic disease epidemics are on the rise with emerging diseases being identified that affect humans and animals alike. An understanding about communication networks of those involved in managing a zoonotic disease outbreak is necessary to develop a strong communication response in the event of a zoonotic disease outbreak. The purpose of this study was to explore the communication networks of livestock producers, veterinarians, human health professionals, and emergency managers related to zoonotic disease. In-depth interviews were conducted with 41 people within key areas of one state in an effort to understand how communication networks may be activated during a crisis. This study revealed a wide range of information sources that livestock producers, medical professionals, veterinarians, and emergency managers seek information from. The results from this study also highlight the communication gaps, such as veterinarians not communicating with livestock producers, emergency managers not communicating with medical professionals and livestock producers, and a lack of communication between medical professionals and livestock producers. It is recommended that professionals who play a key role in zoonotic disease outbreaks, such as livestock producers, veterinarians, human health professionals, and emergency managers, cultivate and maintain relationships outside their usual professional group beyond times of disease outbreaks.


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How to Cite

Baker, L., McLeod-Morin, A., Bausch, M., & Lindsey, A. (2020). Who do you know? Zoonotic disease communication networks of livestock producers, veterinarians, human health professionals, and emergency managers. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 1(2), 39–52. https://doi.org/10.37433/aad.v1i2.41




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